File Compression

When sending artwork to AAA-Printing, we strongly recommend that you package or collect your files into a common folder then utilize a compression application to compress that folder. Compressing and archiving files together can make them substantially smaller in size, resulting shorter transmission times and reducing potential corruption.

Both Mac OS X and Windows operating systems since XP offer native compression. A brief how to is below.

Windows Operating Systems (XP & Later)

After you have collected your files, images and fonts into a common folder, simply right click on the folder. Select "Send To" compressed (Zipped) folder. It will create a zipped archive of your folder that you can then upload to us using our send a file form.

Mac OS X

After you have collected your files, images and fonts into a common folder, simply right click on the folder. Select "Compress". It will create a zipped archive of your folder that you can then upload to us using our send a file form.